It’s a new year and that means resolutions or just a clean slate to start a new way of life. If you are starting a low carb diet, I have a free low carb diet planner for you that will help you stay organized.
You might also like my top low carb recipes page!
I don’t know about you but I enjoy new year’s resolutions. I like to take the time and think about the year that’s past and plan for what I want to happen in the next. So if losing weight is on your new year’s resolution list, I am here for you with great low carb recipes. And today I’m giving away a free low carb diet planner too!
What’s Your Word For 2019?
Have you heard of picking a word that you focus on for the year? It’s supposed to be in place of resolutions and so simple that you can easily focus on it all year. Mine is SIMPLIFY. I’ve been wanting to simplify for years and years and this is the one I’m going to do it. I’m simplifying my diet, my house, my time, everything. I’m not expecting miracles but maybe a little more inner peace. Do you have a word you want to focus on in 2019?
What’s In The Free Low Carb Diet Planner?
These are sheets that I use for myself. It’s a pdf ebook that you can print and use each week. I’ve included a menu planner, grocery list, brainstorming sheet, and weight loss tracker sheets. I’ll explain each one below but it’s pretty straightforward.
Menu Planner
Below you can see a sample of the menu planner. What I do is write out what I want to eat for each meal, snacks and drinks just so I can make my grocery lists and carb counts ahead of time. Some tips for using this are:
- Keep It Simple: At the beginning make simple meals. Elaborate dinners can be a recipe for disaster and too much to deal with at first. Save those for when you’ve been doing this for a while.
- Plan for 2 meals in 1: Make more for dinner so you can eat it for lunch. Or if you have chicken for dinner, have chicken salad for lunch the next day.
- Repeat meals: If you can eat the same breakfast and lunch all week that will make your life so much easier. Then make something different for dinner. Be more creative when you have more time on the weekend.
Under the Menu Planner I have a chart that you can write down your favorite meals and the carb counts for it. This will make it easier for filling out future menus. Also there is a column for how you felt after eating some of the meals. If one really made you feel full but energized, write that down. Or if one really made you feel hungry or bloated, take note of that. It will help you figure out how you respond to certain foods.
Grocery List
Once you’ve made your menu, use it to fill up your grocery list for the week. If you can prepare meals on the weekend it will really help you stick to your menu. Even if it’s just chopping vegetables or marinating meat.
Also remember to try to stick to the perimeter of the grocery store. That is where the low carb foods can be found like produce, dairy and meat. The food in the aisles can be tempting but they are usually processed or packaged foods that are higher in carbs. So just buy what you need in the aisle and don’t linger and get tempted.
Brainstorming worksheet
This sheet is where you reflect on the week you just had. Think of the different obstacles you came across and how you can best handle them in the future. Or if you know you have a big event coming up, jot that down too and see how you can create a solution for it.
Below that chart is a Victories section where you should jot down all the small things that you did that week that you are proud of. Keep those positive moments in your mind so you can repeat them and add to the list.
Weight Tracker Sheets
This is just for fun. Take a sheet and write your goal weight on the beginning star and your goal weight on the last star. Â The stepping stones can represent 1 lb, 2 lbs, whatever you want. Whenever you reach a new stone, X out the one before it. It’s a visual representation of the pounds you’ve lost.
You can also jot down rewards next to the stones along the way, when you have reached a small milestone. I’ve made 3 sheets for you to play around with and once you’ve filled up one sheet, move to the next if you wish.
Well I hope you enjoy this free Low Carb Diet Planner and that it helps you on your weightloss journey. To receive it, just join our mailing list by clicking here.
If you are already on our mailing list, you will receive a direct link in today’s email as well as the next 3 emails. If you have any problems just let me know.
This is a helpful tool. Can this be re used for 2020? Thanks for sharing an awesome planner!
Yes it’s not year specific if that is what you mean. Enjoy!