Only 5 ingredients to make a low calorie, low carb, high protein frozen treat with the flavors of cinnamon and vanilla.

Ninja Creami  Keto Cinnamon Ice Cream

Ninja Creami  Keto Cinnamon Ice Cream

All you need is vanilla protein powder, almond milk, sugar free pudding, spices and vanilla stevia sweetener.

In a blend add all the ingredients and mix to blend. Then place in Ninja Creami container and freeze.

Place frozen base into Ninja Creami and run through 2 times using LITE setting. Look how creamy it gets!

This tasty ice cream is smooth, creamy and only has 84 calories, 4.4g net carbs and 13.3g protein! And you don't need any heavy cream.

If you run it through the machine one more time it will be more of a frosty consistency. Play around to get it just the way you want it.

You might also like this flavor. Each serving has 105 calories, 5 grams net carbs and 15 grams of protein!

Or this strawberry ice cream. Each serving has 6.4g carbs, 15.3g protein, 1.4g fat and only 101 calories!

This keto Ninja Creami coffee ice cream recipe is one of my favorite recipe.  Not only is it low carb but it’s also low calorie. It’s the perfect dessert for coffee lovers.

This keto Chocolate ice cream has just 97 calories, 4.2 grams net carbs and 7.4 grams protein. Plus there are lots of keto products to mix in!

This salted caramel keto protein ice cream recipe has just 85 calories, 4g net carbs and 15g protein! It uses only 3 ingredients.